Atlantic Creative Cities met in Plymouth

Please find below the different presentations that earmarked the workshop “Atlantic Creative Cities” held in Plymouth on January 26th. A big thank you to you all for attending the Creative Cities in the Atlantic Arc event, at the end of January, here in Plymouth. Your energy and ideas made the day a real success and…

Santander: Somos Atlánticos – I Workshop 25/03

Con la finalidad de dinamizar consorcios que puedan conseguir proyectos que vayan en línea con las prioridades del Plan de Acción del Atlántico y que contribuyan a revitalizar las economías marinas y marítimas de las regiones Atlánticas Europeas, la Dirección General de Asuntos Marítimos y Pesqueros de la Comisión Europea creó el Mecanismo de Asistencia…

François Matarasso – ’Keeping the paths open”

As from CAAC experience, it seems that networking and pooling of resources to create scale economies are fundamental for those Atlantic entities involved in creativity. Participating in a network with partners already experienced on the creative economy should allow for enrichment at the local and European level. Pooling resources is a key to consolidate and develop existing actions…